Why should you invest in Israeli technology?Why are Israeli entrepreneurs different from other entrepreneurs in the world and how do we turn all of this into a phenomenal success in...
How to vet your vendors: Ensuring data privacy and security complianceIn the past, we've seen firsthand how important #dataprivacy and #securitycompliance are for our startups. With increasing regulations...
Israeli High-Tech Industry Report – Q1 2023First Q1, 2023 report shows - The Israeli high-tech industry is #growing. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (#CBS) most...
Soapy announced a collaboration with hospitals in Israel and across the globeWe are thrilled to share some exciting news about our portfolio company, Soapy - Clean Data, Clean Hands! This remarkable company has...
Inpris HumAIns present innovative AI-powered personal assistants Meet Angel and Naomi, the new Inpris HumAIns AI Superstars! Happy to introduce you to #Angel and #Naomi, two AI-powered personal...